Our Rooms

‘The Puffling Room’ – Our Baby Unit

This is our new baby room for children 3 months to 1 year. The room is calm and inviting with age specific toys and sensory apparatus. Our caring and dedicated staff engage with the children and offer a nurturing, stimulating and safe environment for the children to extend their learning and development.

The Duckling Room’ – Our Baby Unit

The ratio in the baby unit is 1-3. This room caters for babies 1 to 2 years. The room is large, bright and cheerful with a separate area for, mealtimes, and messy play. There are French doors leading out to an enclosed patio area with a wooden climbing frame where the children are free to explore and develop their gross motor skills. As the baby’s development progresses, we introduce a wider range of activities to stimulate their minds and enhance development. Needless to say, cuddles and comforting are an essential part of their routine at this stage.


We have a key worker system, and every child will be allocated a key person during the first couple of weeks of joining. During the daily sessions all the staff will work with all the children doing age-appropriate activities linked to the EYFS framework and the termly curriculum topic. The child’s key person will update the child’s Tapestry Recording system on a regular basis and parents can access this. When a child starts with us, the Room Leader will discuss the routines with the parents. The aim, where possible, is to continue the established routine. We offer two free one hour settling in sessions prior to starting at the Oratory.


Parents are given a daily care sheet at the end of the day along with verbal feedback. Children move up to Hummingbirds the term after their second birthday and when they have developed independence.

‘The Hummingbird and Robin Rooms’ – Our Toddler Unit

The ratio in this room is 1-4 and the toddler unit caters for children 2 to 3 years. Once again, our room is bright and inviting. Children have access to a variety of activities such as sand and water play, a reading corner and mark making. Staff offer imaginative and stimulating activities on a daily basis in order to expand the children’s knowledge and understanding of the world and develop their fine motor skills and independence Using age-appropriate materials and linking activities to the children’s interests, staff plan a stimulating curriculum linked with the EYFS framework and the termly topic. Overseen by our caring and experienced staff, your child’s development will come on in leaps and bounds. Children move up to the pre-school room the term after their third birthday and when they

‘The Kingfisher Room’ – Our Preschool Unit

In this room, we establish the Montessori Method of teaching and incorporate this within the EYFS framework. We develop language, math, sensorial, cultural, and practical life skills as part of the routine. Children also engage in music, movement, role play, stories, and cooking. We are very lucky to have a professional gymnast in our team who plans activities for the children to develop their gross motor skills. Children also have French lessons and yoga sessions.

Each term we have an exciting new topic designed to stimulate the


children’s knowledge and understanding for the world and developing their imaginative skills. Each Christmas we do a Nativity play which is linked to our topic. We believe passionately in parents in partnership and the weekly plan is displayed on the parent’s notice board outside the room so parents can extend the children’s learning at home if they wish.

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